Stay Safe from Insects or Disease While Tree Trimming

December 16, 2021 12:39 am Published by Leave your thoughts

There are many insects and diseases that affect trees across the country. Some of these have relatively effective treatment methods. As a homeowner, you want to know what could be a threat to the trees on your property.

Read on to learn more about what insects and diseases you need to be cautious about encountering during a tree trimming project.


These insects come in a variety of shapes and sizes. These immobile pests may spend their entire adult life in a single place. They cause damage to trees by inserting their mouth into the stem or leaf and feeding on sap. They can rapidly multiply, weakening the host plant and making it susceptible to other insects and diseases. Scales often produce a lot of honeydew, which is a substance similar to syrup that will cover the foliage and ground.


These are similar to caterpillars and are voracious feeders. In high numbers, they can completely devour a plant in a few days. A foliar treatment generally works to control these outbreaks; however, it must be done quickly, as these insects do plenty of damage in their short lifespan.

Lace bugs

These insects are found on the undersides of leaves, and they feed on sap. They are active during the growing season and may require multiple treatments. They prefer azaleas as host plants, and large populations of lace bugs may take out so much sap that the leaves turn white.

Winter moth caterpillar

This small caterpillar can do serious damage to deciduous shade and ornamental trees. They’re typically brown or black and feed from April to June. Cankerworm is a very similar looking insect. A year of leaf-feeding by these insects will probably not result in the death of a tree; however, it will weaken the tree and make it liable to be attacked by other pests or diseases. Foliar treatments are the most effective way to counteract these bugs.

Spider mites

These arachnids will eat a range of landscape plants. They’re often found on evergreens like hemlocks and firs. They remove sap from the foliage, sometimes seriously injuring the host tree. Large populations may leave webbing on the foliage. Special treatments are needed to deal with this pest.

Carpenter ants

These don’t damage a tree directly but are capable of ruining a tree’s structure. Carpenter ants tunnel through dead wood. The ants may not be out at all times, but look for sawdust as an indicator that they’ve been around the tree. Because they live inside the tree, controlling ant populations can be difficult.

If you want to protect your trees from insects and disease in Watertown, MA, then turn to the experts at BBD Tree Service. We’re your locally-owned and -operated arborist service with the know-how to keep your trees growing and healthy. Our team of talented, dedicated experts know all the phases of tree care. We work quickly, safely and affordably to keep your property looking beautiful. Give us a call right now, and get a free estimate.

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