How Do You Prevent Fungus on Trees?
October 15, 2020 10:27 pm Leave your thoughtsOne of the most common problems you’re likely to encounter with deciduous trees on your property is fungal disease. These diseases can wreak havoc on your trees if left unaddressed. The good news is that proper care and maintenance can help you prevent tree fungus in Newton, MA, or treat outbreaks of certain types of fungi that have already appeared.
The actions you take to deal with a fungus problem will depend on the kind of tree you have and the specific type of fungus that is infecting it (or could infect it). Here are some steps for you to take:
- Identification: Your first priority should be identifying the specific kind of fungi that has taken hold in your tree. You may be able to identify it yourself based on internet research, but if you are unable to do so, you can send a sample to an extension office for identification, or have a professional arborist take a look. Common examples include cankers, which tend to show up as darkened or sunken sections of bark, or verticillium wilt, which manifests itself as early discoloration of leaves or whole branches.
- Pruning: Thinning out some of the branches at the crown can help you to create more air circulation within the tree. This is best done in late winter or early spring. Choose your tool depending on the size of the branch, and cut branches back to the main trunk or an adjoining branch. When done correctly, this process will help you with tree fungus prevention in Newton, MA, or control fungi if they’ve already shown up.
- Fungicides: You may have good luck using fungicides as a means of addressing fungal infections in trees. Make sure you follow the directions on the packaging of the fungicide—the labels will have information about specific fungal diseases. In most cases, weekly application will be sufficient until you have taken care of the problem.
- Cutting infected branches: If you have branches infected with fungal cankers, you may need to cut them out to at least four to six inches below the infection. The best time to do this is in late winter, or during extended dry periods.
- Fertilize: Fertilizing your tree early in the spring and engaging in regular watering will help keep the tree healthy, and healthy trees are going to be less susceptible to fungal diseases and other types of common tree issues. This is one of the best preventative steps you can take to care for your tree.
- Destroy leaves: If you see leaves that have been infected with leafspot or powdery mildew, you should destroy them when they fall. This will help you prevent the fungi from spreading to other trees in your area.
These are just a few examples of some of the steps you can take to protect your tree and prevent fungal disease. For more information about tree fungus protection and how to treat fungus on a tree in Newton, MA, contact BBD Tree Service to speak with our tree trimmers.
Categorised in: Tree Service
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