Harmful Tree Pests and How to Spot Them
March 23, 2022 12:00 am Leave your thoughtsTree pests can mess up the beauty of the trees in your yard. Some will bore and tunnel the tree’s bark, cutting off the water and nutrient supply, and causing it to dry. Others invade the leaves and chew them away, limiting the amount of food the leaves can produce for the tree, thus, stunting its growth. If you have fruiting trees, fruit pests will ruin the fruits every fruiting season. Here are tips for recognizing the signs of harmful tree pests common to the Newton, MA, area.
Emerald Ash Borer
As its name suggests, this tree pest is a borer. It’s estimated to kill tens of thousands of trees in Massachusetts. An adult Emerald Ash Borer can be tricky to spot because the pests are pretty small. However, you can tell that a tree is infested with this pest by looking for serpentine, S-shaped feeding galleries markings under the bark containing some sawdust. Additionally, there will be some D-shaped marking on the tree bark later in the season when the adult borers emerge. A tree infested with this pest typically dies from the top down.
Asian Long-Horned Beetles
These beetles typically have antennae longer than their bodies, and their larvae are boring pests. An adult Asian Longhorn beetle will lay up to 100 eggs in the cracks on a tree’s bark every breeding season. Once the eggs hatch, the moth’s larvae will feed on the tree’s back for some time and emerge as adult moths, and the cycle begins again. You will know whether a tree in your yard has been infested with Asian Longhorn Beetles by looking for sawdust buildup around the tree’s base, pencil-like holes on the bark, and an unusual yellowing of leaves. The boring done by this beetle’s larvae also extensively weakens the tree, and it will easily break during a mild windstorm.
Gypsy Moth
Gypsy Moths are notorious tree pests that mainly attract hardwood trees like oak elm, maple, and birch. Their larvae are extreme defoliators that are active in spring and summer. At the start of spring, an adult moth lays a mass batch of nearly 500 eggs. When the eggs hatch, hungry larvae start defoliating the tree. The larvae are capable of causing complete defoliation of a tree. You can spot the Gypsy Moth larvae on your tree by looking for yellowish egg masses shaped like a teardrop. Additionally, unusual defoliation is a sign that your tree is infested.
Are You Looking for Professional Tree Pruning Services in Newton?
Welcome to BBD Tree Service, an outstanding local family-owned tree service and landscaping business serving the greater Newton and Watertown area since 2000. We do professional tree pruning, remove trees of all sizes, and rescue pets from high branches. Pruning the trees in your yard is a common preventative technique for stopping pests from harming them. Let the professional tree trimmers at BBD Tree Service handle your pruning needs to promote healthy tree growth and positive foliage. We are available for seasonal and on-demand services. Contact us today by calling 718-589-9902 for more info about our services.
Categorised in: Tree Specialists
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